Friday, 18 March 2011

So we were given a photoshop brief this week, for someone who's never really used photoshop before, the thought of having to do an entire project using it fills me with fear. But I had a go at it and this was the end result.

 After feedback from my tutor though I was told that i'd have to redraw it to add a few changes. So yes right now i'm at the point of waiting for the ok from my lecturer and then i'll be back into photoshop. Joy. Although I have to admit that it wasn't as bad as I anticipated.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

So we had to take characters out of our alphabet mini stories and make them in 3D workshops. I decided to take the characters I liked the most (mole and mouse) and then make them using clay. They've turned out quite well and although I should probably make them a little bigger considering i've still got 2 weeks left until the deadline, i'm quite satisfied with how they've turned out. My only crucial mistake? I made them using an oil based modelling clay, which means it NEVER dries out. Nice one :/

Aboce is the original sketches of the characters, and below is how they've turned out in clay.