Wow, I've not posted for a while. Here's what's been happening . .
- After being messed around a bit with the Uni results department (grrrr) I passed first year! Woo!
- We've been given a brief that seems impossible to research! However, I'm determined to up my game in second year so I started early and i'm in a good place I think.
- I'm trying to be more professionally inclined when it comes to my artwork so I've contacted a few people about future collaborations including web comics!
- I've also subitted a design into Threadless, which for those who aren't familiar with it, its a t-shirt site which sells designs that have been submitted and then chosen to be printed by people voting for them. I entered into the Threadless loves .. your city, and although it's not my city, I chose London. Why? well other than the fact that I do actually love the place! I'm not so sure people would wear a shirt that was designed around Wrexham.
- So what happens now? My designs currently being reviewed and hopefully gets excepted for scoring soooo I'd really appreciate it if you could take a look and give it a score when it goes through in a week or so. Plus! Its a really cool site with sweeet designs so you may even bag yourself a killer shirt while you're at it!