We don't start back at Uni until next Tuesday so really I should say i'm currently in a state of faux calmness which I have no doubt will disappear when I have to catch up with my lectures after the holiday.
Before we broke up I was slightly stressed because I realised if I wanted to enjoy any of my time off, I needed to get my print work sorted out considering I couldn't do much of it at home.
I managed to do that, then sat down with Yadzia to talk about my editorial brief to which she said I should do it in Print .. my heart sank. Don't get me wrong, if these past weeks have shown me anything, it's that I LOVE printmaking however it's annoying that I need the printroom to get the best results.
Shiny new print tools!
Suddenly I had another 4 linocuts to do, on top of the other prints for my other briefs. I know to some this won't seem like much, but i'm a listmaker and not very patient which means that when i' staring at a gigantic list of work, I feel like I have to start doing it and won't be happy until I can check them off!
Anyhow, I'm now 3/4 linos done, modified the previous linocuts, redone screenprint and an etching. So all in all i'm content with how my work has gone.
Alice In Wonderland theme-Linocut image with experiment screenprint sheet.
Identity collagraph plate.
Linocut for article on Carridge horses in New York, Unfinished.
Linocut for article on New York riots, Unfinished.
Linocut for article on man who lives near suicide hotspot and prevents deaths, unfinished.