So feedback was pretty positive, things to change that I already flagged up so nothing major. The doormat needs changing as watercolour doesn't necessarily work with the image but not too much will change. But
now my lecturer wants me to create a SERIES of images that go with this image, I think i've figured out how i'm going to do it but havent got around to actually doing it. Busy, busy, busy. . .
This brief though has given me the chance to learn what I can do with Lino, with light and dark and using it with other media such as watercolour. I'm gradually finding the way in which I want to work, now its just making sure I use the media to the best standard and come up with the best ideas that work in it.
Our current brief is more of a typography based where we have to take 3 pieces of text, create an image that goes with that tet and compose a page with it all included. Didn't get off to the best start with this brief but first roughs critique tomorrow so i'll blog at a later date!
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